Worms in humans - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Many of us, after a summer vacation, will think about the presence of worms (helminths).

Someone thinks that it is necessary to get rid of them at any cost, others, on the contrary, think that these parasites are even very useful for the body. Who will tell us the truth?

Sure, many of you are familiar with Dr. House. In one of the series there was a case when a teacher fell ill in a lesson. The child was frightened, and the doctor did not know what had happened to him, for he was in a very serious condition. Every doctor promotes his theory. Some thought the patient had a tumor, while others had inflammation of the brain vessels. The protagonist of the television series, Dr. House himself, solves this problem by finding the cause of teachers ’suffering. It was the tapeworm that tortured the woman. Then the teacher was given a course of treatment with pills and he recovered.

While the series may seem like a fantasy, the script of the series is made by real professionals. The actual case of infection with worms is also similar to the myth, but, unfortunately, the consequences are not always correctable, as in the case of the series. How do we know if we are infected or not? Are we in danger or not?

On worm prevention

People, when they hear about various magic cures for the destruction of this parasite, forget about everything just to get rid of it.

We have developed such a strong hatred for this animal that when we think about it, it becomes bad. We are ready to test ourselves with the most "abnormal" medications, drink all sorts of dubious herbs and even do a garlic enema.

It is very important not to overdo it with any medication and stop on time. In the case of parasitic diseases, one must be careful in choosing a remedy for helminths, because without taking the right medicine, we can even complicate the situation. Do not take anything for treatment! It is very important to know what you are struggling with, what medications are helping, the optimal dose and what contraindications it has. So it could be a whole detective story in the fight against parasites.

On our planet, more than 300, 000 species of helminths are known to affect vertebrates. In humans, there are 300 species of helminths (according to other sources, more than 12, 000 species). So to be treated with anything, will not work. Although nice because most of them are in the tropics. That’s only if we don’t take "tourists" from tropical countries we like to relax in (Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Thailand).

Every region of the world is characterized by certain worms. And everyone has a different form of entry into the body.

worms of the human body

How many types of helminths are there on Earth?


Africa and Asia are famous for their schistosomes. And you can be infected easily if you swim in a local freshwater reservoir or drink water from a local source. Mainly schistosomes enter the body through the genitourinary organs.

How to prevent infection with schistosomes?

If you don’t swim in fresh water and wash yourself only with boiled water, you can basically avoid this.

Filaria and elephantiasis (filariasis)

You can also "get acquainted" with filaria during your vacation to the islands of Fiji, Mozambique, Goa, Tahiti, and even in Egypt. The main carriers of this parasite are mosquitoes (local mosquitoes).

Filaria is dangerous because it causes filariasis (elephantiasis), which affects the lymph nodes and is very difficult to treat.

Mosquitoes are also dangerous because they can be carriers of leishmaniasis (caused by leishmania) and malaria. Leishmaniasis affects the mucous membranes and skin.

How to prevent filariae infection?

The main rule is don’t let mosquitoes get close to you, let alone bite. Use special curtains, repellents and mosquito nets.

When in the tropics, avoid running or walking barefoot on local trails or sandy beaches. The fact is that this way you can catch other types of parasites. In the "harmless" sand, various parasitic larvae often hide, which can quickly penetrate the body even through the skin of the feet! So sometimes after coming home from a trip, you can find a kind of larva under the skin. Just like in some horror movies!

How to prevent infection with such parasites? Walk only in shoes and it is not recommended to lie on the sand or grass without a mat.


The most dangerous foods are raw and also uncooked fish.

Fluke is one of the many parasites that can be found in raw fish in:

  • China;
  • Japan.

After tasting the piece of fish (meaning infected), after 1/2 - 1 month you can feel an unpleasant feeling in the liver area, as well as a rash.

Not only does it happen to be delivered this way. Many worms are waiting for the next host to bite the raw fish. Fans of caviar, sushi, salted and dried fish are also at risk of contracting the disease.

How to prevent fluke infection?

First of all, exclude from the menu all kinds of exotic dishes from raw fish. If you still can’t refrain from taking such a dish, at least eat only at a good and certified restaurant.

If you buy raw fish at the market or from a stranger, then you definitely need to cook it, otherwise you will take a risk.

Trichinella and trichinosis

What do you think, that there are no other worms? Make no mistake, we found it in other well -known products.

Here Europeans are very fond of steaks with blood. And here lies another danger - trichinosis.

Other helminths can not be compared to this, because Trichinella is one of the most dangerous! They can settle in muscle tissue and lead to death.

In addition to trichinella, such a European dinner can "give" other parasites: pork and beef tapeworm.

How to prevent trichinosis and tapeworm infections?

Eat well -prepared meat dishes and only in good restaurants.

ringworms and pinworms

While we eat vegetables and fruits, we need to keep in mind the fact that another threat of infection emerges: ringworm and cream worms. That is why our mother taught us to wash fruits and vegetables before eating them. Often, the threat comes from spicy (green) herbs, brought to us from the south.

How to prevent infection with ringworm and pinworms?

If you buy vegetables at the market, then make sure you rinse them well. First, leave the grass in the water for an hour so that the helminth eggs present in the leaves sink to the bottom of the vessel, and then wash each leaf individually. like this!

The positive aspects of worms

I think the thought that "pets" like that roam around isn’t so warm. But let us be optimistic, because life is beautiful.

The microcosm around us is filled with various surprises:

  • bacteria,
  • virus,
  • parasite.

And we contain whole kilograms of such biomass and there is no pathology in this. We are not designed to live in a completely sterile environment, where we will simply die.

Some of these organisms have positive effects, as they are involved in boosting immunity, synthesis of certain vitamins, and digestion functioning differently thanks to them.

I don’t want to call animal helminths useful for humans, but some are safe (intestinal parasites) and especially dangerous (parasites that live in other organs: lungs, liver, eyes, and even in the brain! ). In the latter case, everyone thinks how to recover quickly, because the problem is very serious.

It happens that helminths leave the body of its owner, although he does not know about their existence in his body.

For example, you can get rid of worms with a head of garlic, or through hormonal changes (in the case of pregnant women), anything is possible. If you decide to riot against these parasites without knowing what you are up against, you can make them angry. Therefore, they can complicate the condition by penetrating the bile ducts and triggering liver abscesses. So, keep in mind, regular prevention doesn’t always help! It is better to pass the control in the hospital for the presence of helminths.

Symptoms of a worm attack

How to proceed? Worms surround us everywhere and, thus, we can be easily infected, it is not recommended to be treated for them without a diagnosis, and diagnosing helminths is not an easy task. Worms are very good at disguising themselves as other diseases.

And what is most interesting: the larger the helminth (there are giants that reach up to 10 meters), the quieter it behaves. Therefore, it is not always possible to analyze only a few symptoms, as it turns out, to identify the correct diagnosis. You cannot do this without a parasitological examination.

Of course, no one can help you better than a doctor. Here are some cases where you need to make sure to get tested:

  • during a recent vacation in a different part of the world, you ate a variety of dubious local foods, swam in a hotel pool whose water was not chlorinated, walked barefoot on the beach, lay naked on the sand, grass, touched local dogs and cats;
  • you experience fever, itching, redness, hives, body rash, chills, bloating and abdominal pain.

If you know your condition, then you need to see a parasitologist.

Rules of personal hygiene so as not to be infected with worms


  • Let's start with the fact that in exotic countries you can only drink bottled water.
  • The fruit, although it looks very appetizing, must be peeled or boiled. In its simplest form, it is not at all recommended to use it.
  • Another product that can be questioned is
    • uncooked meat;
    • raw fish (any shape, even sea).
  • Freshly squeezed juice is also banned. Making fruit juice does not always go through a thorough washing process.

Refuse to use such products.


Don’t take the risk of walking barefoot on sand, grass, trails in exotic countries. Use sun loungers and slippers.

Take a shower

No swimming in freshwater reservoirs of India, Central Africa, South America. There are so many parasites that the movie "Alien" looks like a children’s fairy tale compared to this one.


Mosquitoes (or mosquitoes) are very dangerous parasites because they are serious carriers of many infections and helminths.

Avoid direct contact with them.

You need to use repellents, wear long -sleeved clothes, sleep under a canopy.


In exotic countries it is strictly forbidden to dry clothes in the air.

The problem is that flies from tropical countries are very fond of laying eggs on it, and when you wear swimming trunks, the larvae will hatch which can cause dermatitis.

Where to do tests to detect worms?

Perform the test only at specialized state clinics. Doubtful institutions are not recommended to conduct such tests.

One of the reasons for not contacting such clinics is the fact that they can find anything you want even if you don’t have any.

Yes, yes, to attract you, they may prescribe an unnecessary course of treatment there. They will tell you that modern universal diagnostics sees everything, even where standard analysis sees nothing. Don’t believe the scammers, and don’t hesitate to go to a standard public clinic.

Now let’s talk about what is called universal diagnostics. In cases such as the detection of helminths, this is not possible.

If they have to pass urine in the bladder, if in the intestines - then feces, if in muscle mass - then they need to do a muscle x -ray, if in the liver - ultrasound.

What are you thinking? A positive result of such an analysis can only warn you to remove it as soon as possible. Take only medications advised by parasitologists, as accuracy and precision are very important in this matter.

What to keep in mind about helminths?

Theoretically, helminths can be infected almost anywhere - in the city, on vacation, in tropical countries, in the woods. But as statistics say, even in such cases, not everyone is infected with them. Those who follow the basic rules of hygiene, as a rule, reduce the risk of infection for themselves.

  • The main thing is not to panic and do not take any medicine for prevention, because there is no universal cure for worms. Even tablets for worms have their own classification according to the different forms of helminths. It turns out that some pills help with some parasites, while others do not. The doctor will determine your diagnosis and prescribe the correct pills. If you take care of your pets (cats and dogs) regularly prescribe anthelmintic medications, and if none of the symptoms mentioned above bother you, then you don’t have to worry.
  • If you have any doubts about this issue, go to the doctor. Don’t forget to tell us what you eat and where you are.
  • As I said before, you should take the test only at a good specialized clinic. In a severe clinic, you can spend a lot of money, and you will never be able to be treated.
  • Any medication taken for prevention can only do harm. Do not use it "only for prevention", otherwise you can destroy the intestinal flora and even "get" toxic hepatitis. Echinococcosis is very dangerous and that is why such an initiative can explode cysts where the larvae are located. This one can be deadly.
  • If you’re recommended "some supplements for worms" at "some clinics", that doesn’t mean you’re all going to get better. Many of these products contain toxins that can trigger allergies, and you may not get the effects.

The most common myth about helminths

Marine fish do not contain parasites

Who told you this? Most worms contain fish that have not undergone the required processing or that, after catch, are not immediately cleaned before being frozen. This is how you increase your chances of getting infected.

Dogs can get worms more easily than cats

Naturally dogs have such a habit of touching their relatives ’feces. The most dangerous helminths that can be "taken" from dogs are echinococci - parasites that are very dangerous to the liver and lungs. For prevention, prescribe a course of treatment to the animal 4 times a year. So dogs can be more dangerous about this than cats.

Only children can get worms

Do you believe? This may appear simply because children are less precise, wash their hands less often, and sometimes do not follow hygiene rules. So hygiene rules are important for everyone!

A person infected with worms can infect others

Of course it is true. Being close to such a "patient" you take a risk, but you may not know. So after shaking hands, wash your hands just in case. You can easily be infected with cream worms (enterobiasis), as they are the most common helminths. Also, often dirty children can infect their parents, so teach your child to follow the rules of hygiene.